I recently brought you the story of the TikTok site "Turn Around Alan," which is run by a man named John, and which was, up until recently, dedicated to seeing if his coworker Alan noticed that he was being filmed. Well, the big news in Turn Around Alan world is that John finally revealed the site to Alan. And yes, finally, Alan turned around. Here's site owner John explaining his decision to finally tell Alan. He was understandably nervous about revealing the site to Alan, and didn't quite know how it would go. Next, here's John actually telling Alan, in what John called "Season Finale Part 1." Turns out Alan already knew. John asks him, "Why didn't you say anything?" and Alan answers, "To see if you'd come clean. Fuck, we spend more time together than we do with our families." And here's "Season Finale Part 2," where John tells more of the story about how Alan knew and what happened when John came clean. John writes: "Sorry this took so long. We had some things to figure out. Thanks for all the patience this season." Then he gets on camera to explain:
John: "What happened was…"
Alan: "What happened was you were a fucking dumbass!"
Watch to hear the rest of the story. The good news is that it seems that after some tough conversations, Alan and John have remained close friends, and it looks like all is forgiven.
If you want to finally see what Alan looks like – here's the big reveal!