The Netherlands' Donorkind Foundationis suing Jonathan Jacob Meijer, 41, for donating too much sperm. Meijer is reportedly the biological father of 550 children. Dutch sperm clinic guidelines put a cap of 25 children to 12 different women "to prevent inbreeding, incest or psychological problems for donor children," according to Yahoo! News:
The civil case is being brought with a Dutch mother of one of Mr Meijer's children, who has been named only as Eva and had the child in 2018.
'If I had known he had already fathered more than 100 children I would never have chosen him,' she said.
'If I think about the consequences this could have for my child I am sick to my stomach.'[…]
Mr Meijer, 41, a musician from The Hague, is on a Dutch donation blacklist but has continued to donate abroad, including in Denmark and Ukraine, Donorkind said.
The 41-year-old has also approached prospective parents looking for home insemination online and on social media and shown no signs of changing his behaviour, the foundation said.
(Thanks, Rick Pescovitz!)