Woman finds rare Picasso plates at thrift store, cashes in

Now this is a thrift score!

Nancy Cavaliere is an avid thrift store shopper. In 2017, on one of her daily trips to a Salvation Army in New York, she found four unusual plates for $1.99 each. Turns out they were Picasso plates from the late 1940s! Yes, from the Pablo Picasso.

She shared her story on TikTok. At first she didn't know that Picasso even made ceramics but then she researched their value. "When I tell you that I googled this set, which is Service visage noir… and saw how much they were worth and almost cried, passed out, pissed on myself," she shared, "I'm not lying." She then started calling auction houses in New York to find out how much they would sell for. She ended up consigning three of the four plates, saving one which she put in her safety deposit box.

She says the three plates sold individually between $12,000 and $16,000. Not bad for a day's haul.