This a wild way to promote a new show. After years of being mistaken for each other in photos, there's a chance that Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson might be more than just besties—they could be blood brothers. In a recent podcast interview, McConaughey shared that his mother may have known Harrelson's father intimately, sparking speculation about their biological relationship.
"In Greece a few years ago, we're sitting around talking about how close we are and our families," McConaughey explained. "And my mom is there, and she says, 'Woody, I knew your dad.' Everyone was aware of the ellipses that my mom left after 'knew.' It was a loaded K-N-E-W."
…"We went on to unpack what this 'knew' meant and did some math and found out that [Harrelson's] dad was on furlough at the same time that my mom and dad were in their second divorce. Then there's possible receipts and places out in West Texas where there might have been a gathering, or a meeting, or a 'knew' moment," he said.
McConaughey is understandably hesitant to take a DNA test, as it would mean learning that his father isn't his biological dad. Setting this crazy mystery aside, they are gearing up together for an Apple TV+ comedy series, Brother From Another Mother, which is a fictionalized version of Harrelson and McConaughey as they try to live together with their families on McConaughey's ranch in Texas.