Take a creepy crawly trip to Chicago's Insect Asylum

Take a creepy crawly trip to Chicago's wondrous Insect Asylum. In this interview with Nina Salem, the owner and founder of the Insect Asylum, we get to see and hear about her gigantic collection of taxidermy animals, pinned insects, and even one of the world's largest cockroach collections. The museum is kid friendly and is a great way to learn about how different specimens affect the ecosystem. 

 My personal favorite specimen in this video is the incredibly odd yet adorable looking Jenny Haniver stingray.

"One unique specimen on display is a Jenny Haniver stingray, which Salem acquired in 2020. The mummified creature looks almost humanlike and the history of its form stretches back to 1518. 'The 'Jenny Haniver' was made by the Fijian tribes in order to ward off demons and dragons," said Salem. 'Now we have one hanging in our museum (youtube caption).'' If I had a live Jenny Haniver stingray as a pet, I'd never leave its side- it looks like a happy little alien!