Lauren Boebert tells her MAGA mob to disrupt flights, even if it gets them kicked off a plane

Lauren Boebert screamed her head off as she told her MAGA "patriots" to "take a stand" and be "bold" with flight attendants, even if it means getting kicked off a plane. And while they're at it, they should bully anyone else who gets in their way, including school principals and county commissioners. Because that's what it takes to "answer the call."

"I will do what's right. I don't care if it costs me an election," the unhinged Colorado Qongresswoman shouted. "I don't care if the school principal gets mad at me, or the county commissioners get upset with me, or if the flight attendants kick me off the plane. I will do what's right and answer the call."

And what's the point of acting like an asshole everywhere you go? Because "our children and our children's children will not benefit the blessings of America" unless you make life miserable for everyone around you. (See video below, posted by Patriot Takes.)

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