Massive amount of pasta mysteriously turned up in New Jersey woods (video)

Someone—or some thing—deposited half a ton of spaghetti and macaroni alongside a creek in Old Bridge, New Jersey. It's not clear if the pasta was cooked or had softened with exposure to the damp air.

"Department of Public Works visited the site and did in fact find what appeared to be 15 wheel barrel loads of illegal dumped pasta along a creek in a residential neighborhood," Old Bridge's business administrator Himanshu Shah said in a statement.


Given the large amount of pasta dumped, Kirchoff questioned who might have such a large amount.

A local restaurant employee said one establishment doesn't even have enough pasta on hand to dump that much.

The incident remains under investigation by police, Shah said. A police spokesman did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

I'm sure they will try to pin blame on the Flying Spaghetti Monster and its worshippers.

thumbnail feature image: Rizky Rahmat Hidayat/Shutterstock