Texas House Rep. Bryan Slaton (45), a beloved GOP ultra-conservative married man with a family, was forced to resign as a result of a scandal involving a young staffer, whom he allegedly intoxicated to the point of blurred vision before engaging in nonconsensual intercourse.
From the Texas Tribune:
The committee report said Slaton had invited the 19-year-old woman to his Austin apartment late March 31 and gave her a large cup of rum and coke, then refilled it twice — rendering her unable to "effectively consent to intercourse and could not indicate whether it was welcome or unwelcome."
In other questionable actions, Slaton also provided alcohol to the aide and another woman under the age of 21 on several occasions, the report said.
The report also alleged that after Slaton and the woman had unprotected sex in the early hours of April 1, Slaton drove her home, and she later went to a drugstore to purchase Plan B medication to prevent a pregnancy. Slaton, a staunch abortion opponent, later tried to intimidate the woman and her friends into not speaking about the incident, the report said.
Even Texas Right to Life, whose political director was sentenced to five years in prison in February for trying to have sex with a 13-year-old, stopped endorsing Slaton. "In light of recent reports and the findings of the Texas House General Investigating Committee, Texas Right to Life PAC has decided to formally revoke our endorsement of Representative Bryan Slaton and is praying for a biblical response for all those involved," said spokesperson Kimberlyn Schwartz.