Today is International Museum Day! To celebrate, the President of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), Emma Nardi, shared her message, which began:
As President of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), I am delighted to address you on the occasion of International Museum Day 2023. This year, we gather under the inspiring theme of "Museums, Sustainability, and Well-being," a subject of utmost significance in our ever-evolving world.
She goes on:
This celebration was established by ICOM with the purpose of spreading awareness about how museums serve as important platforms for cultural exchange, enriching cultures, promoting mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace among people. Today, this objective remains just as relevant and important as ever.
As museum professionals, let us embrace this year's theme wholeheartedly. Let us explore innovative ways to integrate sustainability into our operations, exhibitions, and programming. Let us strive to create inclusive spaces that promote well-being and prioritize the needs and voices of all individuals and communities.
International Museum Day 2023 is not only an opportunity to celebrate our achievements but also to rededicate ourselves to the principles of sustainability and well-being. Let us inspire one another, fostering a network of support and learning within the international museum community.
Read the rest of the message here. And go visit your favorite museum this week or weekend to celebrate. I love too many museums to pick a favorite, but here are some top contenders: Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in Helsinki; the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City; the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia; the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis; the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne; the Pompidou Center in Paris; the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe; and the Heard Museum in Phoenix.