The funniest movie you've never seen

Dynasty Typewriter and Hollywood Entertainment hosted a sold-out screening of The Wrong Guy last Friday, and added new fans to the film's heartbreakingly short list of admirers.

There are movies that get released and drop out of sight, only to come back as cult hits. like Idiocracy or Tombstone, because they deserve it. Some, like The Room, return because you can't turn away from the trainwreck. But The Wrong Guy never had a chance. Made in 1997, the film stars Dave Foley as a fugitive under the impression he is falsely accused of murder. He isn't. Written by Foley, Dave Higgins and Jay Kogen, and directed by David Steinberg, the film had the bad fortune to be scheduled for release just as Hollywood Pictures was shuttered by Disney. Orphaned within the House of Mouse, no one wanted to risk losing money so there was no US domestic release, and it sunk into oblivion after only a few screenings.

L to R: Jay Kogen, Dave Higgins, Dave Foley, Joe Flaherty, host Wayne Federman
Photo used with permission

But the movie would not lie down and die. the film's Simpsonesque laughs-per-minute and Foley's near genius physical comedy propelled it to Platinum Status among Hollywood TV and film writers, but it has had few screenings over the years. The rights are still a bit muddled. Hollywood entertainment hosted the screening Friday, followed by a Q & A with the writers and SCTV's Joe Flaherty, who plays banker Fred Holden.