The development team behind Street Fighter 6 gives a behind-the-scenes look at the franchise's most experimental game mode

Last weekend Capcom allowed fans to access the upcoming Street Fighter 6 via an open beta. Even though every Street Fighter entry is a moment of celebration for the niche fighting game community, Street Fighter 6's open beta became a cultural event for video game fans across the board. Which, to the uninitiated, inevitably prompts the question, "What's so interesting about Street Fighter 6?"

Unlike previous entries into the series, which solely revolved around competitive play, Street Fighter 6 has decided to branch out and experiment with a fresh approach to single-player content. In the brand new World Tour mode, fans can explore an immersive and intricately detailed online open world that allows them to interact with other players and some of the series' most iconic characters. 

In the video linked above, you can check out some behind-the-scenes footage from developers that takes you into Street Fighter 6's hotly anticipated and delightfully innovative World Tour mode.