According to Comic Book Resources, Paramount is finally ready to pull the trigger on a G.I. Joe and Transformer crossover movie.
Somewhere around 2014, every film studio was looking to invest in their own "cinematic universe." The unparalleled success of the Marvel cinematic universe caused every studio in Hollywood to comb through their library of intellectual properties to see if they could smash two ill-fitting franchises together to maximize profits.
When the history books are written, the "cinematic universe era" will most likely be regarded as the gold rush that wasn't, as almost every studio that attempted to ape the MCU formula fell flat. Some cinematic universe couldn't even make it out of the proverbial gates. However, even though it was starting to seem like the gathering storm clouds of endless cinematic universes were just about to break, Paramount is rumored to be in the middle of a rain dance, as the studio is working on a Transformers and G.I. Joe crossover film. Hopefully, Paramount will lean on the decades of great comic books dedicated to this specific team-up, but something tells me that they probably won't.
A crossover movie between the G.I. Joe and Transformers franchises is in the works, if a new rumor is to be believed.
The rumor comes via MyTimeToShineHello, a Twitter account with a proven track record when it comes to industry scoops. MyTimeToShineHello's tweet features cover artwork from Image's 2003 G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers comic book series, along with a single line of text: "It's happening." It's worth noting that Paramount Pictures, which owns the rights to both the G.I. Joe and Transformers franchises, is yet to officially confirm that a crossover movie is in the works. This means that the rumor should be taken with a grain of salt for now.