Do you need "to correct women who know more about something than you? Do you tag Hank Green in videos where a woman is talking about something she literally has a doctorate in? You are not alone. Countless men suffer from Correctile Dysfunction every single day." Women Are Also People (WAAP) have created a treatment called "Couldjafuckennot." World Shaker Michael Vaughn has created this informative video about what to do about this toxic ailment that seems to survive like cockroaches over the millennium.
Like all experimental medicine, there are side effects. In the case of Couldjafuckennot, these include "not ruining someone's day, women have uninterrupted time to share their expertise, and literally the absolute bare minimum it takes to be a decent person." Another possible side-effect is a decreased drive to man spread in public spaces. You might also learn something from listening to others.
If you are unsure whether you and the people around you suffer from first and second-hand consequences of CD, you do not need to see a doctor. Ask your friends if you are patronizing or condescending to women or if you believe that your mediocrity is genius. This is also an example of when self-diagnosis is a vital skill.
Ask yourself: "If this video made you feel attacked, Couldjafuckennot is for you."
To learn more about the history and impact of mansplaining, check out Men Explain Things to Meby Rebecca Solnit, who "wrote the piece because she wanted young women to know that they had a right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of involvement in cultural and political arenas' without the men in their life telling them how to think and feel. Also, mansplaining is more than just annoying…. it's a legitimate force with global repercussions on the health and success of women."
In 2020, Nicole Tersigni published Men to Avoid in Art and Life. The coffee table book "pairs classical fine art with modern captions that epitomize the spirit of mansplaining. Situations include men sharing keen insight on the female anatomy, an eloquent defense of catcalling, or offering sage advice about horseback riding to the woman who owns the horse."
Solnit suggests some tactics when confronted with Correctile Dysfunction. "You could ignore it and walk away. You could give the mansplainer a withering look. Better yet, you could completely shut it down with blunt and uncompromising language." Other possible approaches include humor, re-directing the conversation, calling it out privately, being loud, and questioning their authority.