This YouTube playlist highlights 40 years of the legendary comedy troupe "Duck's Breath Mystery Theater"

Bill Allard, one of the five absurdist sorcerers who comprised the fabled Ducks of Duck's Breath Mystery Theater, has, with the help of his son Richard, curated video playlists showcasing their epic 40-year run! Seven playlists will be released over the next month or so, culminating with what sounds like some or all of their ill-fated 1989 feature film Zadar! Cow from Hell. There are placeholders spotlighting what is to come, but don't get over eager or confused as I did. The go-live dates are in their press release below.

I had the good luck to attend their Grand Finale in Oakland a few years back and had a blast.

May 22, 2023


Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre on Sunny Side YouTube

Forty comedy videos released TODAY on Sunny Side YouTube.

San Francisco, California – Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre was founded in Iowa City, Iowa in 1975. The five-man team has produced a river of absurd theatrical comedy. The DUCK'S BREATH MYSTERY THEATRE Playlist presents a look at this forty year effort.

The Sunny Side YouTube Playlist was produced by Duck's Breath co-founder Bill Allard.

"Picking videos and the order they appear in the DUCK'S BREATH MYSTERY THEATRE playlist has been a career affirming task. We wrote and performed an outrageous amount of funny stuff for stage, television, and film and these 40 comedy videos tell the whole story in 90 minutes," laughed Allard.

Sunny Side YouTube is managed by Duck Spots, a company owned by Allard and son, Richard Allard. The duo plan to release archived comedy video playlists for six more weeks and then launch a live morning broadcast on their Sunny Side YouTube channel.

May 29, 2023

DUCK'S BREATH Playlist – 40 Videos

Audio sketches under images of five Duck's Breath comedians aging gracefully.

June 5, 2023

GONAD Feature Playlist – 18 Videos

Prolific Duck's Breath comedy team wrote & toured 25+ comedy plays to clubs & colleges. 

June 12, 2023

GRAND FINALE Feature Playlist – 40 Videos

Insightful hilarious look at last Duck's Breath sold out performance.

June 19, 2023

DOCTOR SCIENCE Playlist – 40 Videos

He knows more than you do

June 26, 2023

SFCOMEDY  Playlist – 40 Videos

Collective promoted by 1999 Wired Magazine as a place to see original comedy on the web.

KOLLEGETV  Playlist – 40 Videos

Collective started as a web series about college life and ended up producing Comedy Magazine for the iPad.

July 3, 2023

ZADAR  Feature Playlist – 46 Videos Legendary Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre comedy film.

The live broadcast will be Bill Allard presenting new and old comedy videos five days a week for 13 weeks starting on July 10, 2023. "Every Sunny Side comedy video has a shot at going viral," exclaimed Allard. "Absurd feel-good comedy is exactly what the world needs now."

Thanks to the Ducks, I will never be able to look at a cardboard box and not see a galaxy of possibility.