Right-wing protest turns violent outside school board meeting in Glendale, California

CBS News reports on "protests" turning violent outside a school board meeting in Glendale, California where Pride Month stuff was being discussed, but manages to avoid naming names. We have "groups", "protestors", "counter-protestors", the protestors", "the crowd", "the rally" and so on, but no specifics of who is whom or what is what–except by implication given the subject under discussion and the placards in the footage. "Tense moments," intones KTLA anchor Micah Ohlman, over footage of a man in a "LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE" t-shirt stomping on someone's head.

You have to go to social media to get more specifics on who the aggressors were: "Anti-LGBT protestors attack Pro-LGBT demonstrators outside of a Glendale, CA schoolboard meeting. The schoolboard is voting on recognizing June as Pride month," writes Brennan Murphy.

In brief, it appears that a group of anti-LGBTQ crusaders is turning up at these meetings causing trouble, and this time the local crowd was large enough for opposition to present itself. Members of the Proud Boys are likely among the "protest", if not in the usual attire, as Proud Boy stickers were reportedly left at each event.

Approximately 50 Glendale police officers were called in to try to quell the situation, which the Los Angeles Blade said involved anti-LGBTQ protesters who had also demonstrated at a North Hollywood elementary school last week.

We hear a lot about both-sidesism, and here is the next level of it: "two sides" as the entire story, mushed into meaningless narratives of undescribed and indistinguishable opposing forces.