Fans of the 1980s action show The A-Team are in for a "petite surprise." A French-dubbed version of the show exists, known as L'Agence Tous Risques, which translates to "The All Risks Agency." You may remember that the theme song was all instrumental. Well, in this French version, it has been given lyrics.
Someone has kindly translated the lyrics into English, and let's just say, they're pretty wild…
"The All Risks Agency, it's really the last chance at the last moment / The bad tricks of the thugs, the agency settle their cash / If the injustice waits for you, the All Risks Agency wait for it at the corner.
"For the victim at bay, all of a sudden, it will appear / In the danger, these kings of cold-blood / These travellers without a visa / Have delivered the good fight.
"The All Risks Agency, it's really the last chance of the moment / The All Risks Agency, it's really the last chance of the moment."
Plus, they didn't just add lyrics, they gave it some "panache." Listen to this upbeat French version for yourself. (via Super Punch, Neatorama)