Welp, another MAGA-friendly establishment is shot down by the rabid right, who seem intent on annihilating everyone and everything in their path — including their favorite hangouts. And today's target? Cracker Barrel. Yes, the same beloved joint Marjorie Taylor Greene offered up in the form of $25 gift card bribes to anyone who stuck around her dull Christian national event last fall.
But the pride and joy of salivating Republicans —who have flocked to the Cracker Barrel ever since the Tennessee-based restaurant fired gay employees in the 1990s, stating it didn't want employees "whose sexual preferences fail to demonstrate normal heterosexual values" — rebelled against MAGA hate by posting a Facebook message celebrating Pride Month.
"We are excited to celebrate Pride Month with our employees and guests. Everyone is always welcome at our table. Happy Pride!" the festive message said under a photo of a Cracker Barrel porch decorated with a rainbow-painted rocking chair. (See image below.)
Needless to say, the intolerant extremists are crying melted snowflake tears as they hurl Cracker Barrel into the Disney-Budweisser-Target-etc camp. "BYE BYE CRACKER BARREL! I will NEVER eat there again!!" shouted Rep. Ronny Jackson (R–TX) on Twitter (see message below, copied and posted by Ron Filipkowski.)
"We take no pleasure in reporting that @CrackerBarrel has fallen," tweeted the Texas Family Project. "A once family friendly establishment has caved to the mob." (See here.)
Soon they will have no "family-friendly" establishments left and will begin to devour each other … oh wait, that's already happening as we speak.

Via Daily Beast