Solidarity amongst Indigenous peoples is circulating and growing. Shared experiences enduring and thriving despite the ravages of capitalist accumulation and Christian dominion on the people, plants, and animals of the earth conditions the possibility of cohesion and interconnection. Sovereignty, solidarity, and self-determination energize a new podcast by Kuskalla Abya Yala that I came across from the Instagram of the Red Nation Movement.
"Kuskalla: Juntos-Together is a tri-lingual podcast (Quechua-Spanish-English) brought to you by Kuskalla Abya Yala, a diasporic community organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Andean worldviews and Indigenous languages, such as Quechua, the most spoken Indigenous language in the Americas, with about 8 to 10 million speakers, some living in the diaspora."
Hosted by Quechua scholars-activists Yojana Miraya Oscco (@OsccoMiraya) and Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzoaronis), through the organization, their goals are "to build a global Indigenous Quechua solidarity network together among Quechua and non-Quechua speakers, and between different generations of Indigenous brothers and sisters of the North and South to resist the multiple legacies of colonialism and defend Indigenous peoples, thoughts, and movements and their struggles for decolonization, self-determination, and sovereignty."
"Kuskalla Abya Yala is an organization dedicated to promoting Indigenous Andean knowledge and ways of being. We describe our work as "Allin Kawsay" which means "good living" or the "good life" in balance with our more-than-human relatives (such as the land, the animals, etc.) and ancestors."