"Unforeseen circumstances" halt Don Jr's showcase in Australia

The "unforeseen circumstance" is probably the street price of cocaine in Sydney. Still, I suspect low ticket sales to Turning Point's white supremacist festival in Australia contribute to the announced postponement. Twenty-two thousand folks had petitioned the Australian government to deny Donald Trump Jr. a visa, thus blocking him from speaking, but the government claims to have left the door open. Any decision not to host the nouveau klan rally or its supremely energetic speaker, Don Jr, lies directly with Turning Point.

If all it took was a petition to keep Don Jr out, I am sure more than .08% of the State of California would sign right up.

The Independent:

An Australian government source told the Sydney Morning Herald that Mr Trump's visa had been approved on Wednesday, before the postponement was announced.

"It's his choice whether he comes or not but there is no immigration impediment to him coming," a spokesperson for the country's Home Affairs Minister told the news site.