Boing Boing

MTG's tax-payer-funded revenge porn email blast may have been sent to children

Marjorie Taylor Greene

After the Georgian scourge had dick picks extracted from some sex tapes entered into the Congressional record, Marjorie Taylor Greene emailed them to a list of her constituents. Greene's email list has no age verification filters, so if any kids subscribe to their congressperson's propaganda channel even more laws may have been broken.

Screenshot of a Tweet

Greene and the Carnival Congress are excited to show that someone other than Donald Trump committed tax fraud with prostitutes payments.

Crooks and Liars:

Controversial Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene likes Hunter Biden's dick pics so much that she held up large nude photos of the President's son during a House Committee meeting. The Georgia Republican claimed that "the American people deserve to see" the nudes of the private citizen. It was a shocking moment.

Things got worse as not only did Marge enter Hunter's dick on Congressional record, but she may have sent the images to minors. There is no age limit to receive the spork-footed troll doll's newsletter…

…The link in Marge's email contains a video screen that displays the warnings "The following images are disturbing" and "Parental discretion is advised." So, you would think that a responsible person would not send out unsolicited dick pics of the President's son, or anyone for that matter. I get it. After months of claiming they have evidence against the Bidens, and they came up empty, they're all, 'Hey, look, it's Hunter's dick!' Do better, Georgia.

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