Boing Boing

Connor Griffith made an incredible video using images from Wikimedia Commons

Connor Griffith made this incredible video using images from wikimedia commons. The video is a montage of many different awe-inspiring images that feature the microscopic, everyday objects, tall buildings and monuments, the planet, and the universe. It makes me think of the iconic video Powers of Ten™ (1977), which gradually zooms outward from the microscopic to images of our galaxy from far away.

From Instagram:

"I'm stunned by the response this has been getting over on @folders 🥰

Thanks to @jeffreyatang for some photo research and art direction help on this, and @lachlanturczan who helped out with animation on the original version.

All the images here are from Wikimedia Commons, which is an incredible resource for high quality, public domain images.

🎶 @dwellsnyc"

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