Man eats at all 22 Margaritaville restaurants in the U.S. and Canada in 24 days

YouTuber Eddy Burback posted this surprisingly entertaining and informative 58-minute video documenting his recent road trip, during which he ate at every one of Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville restaurants in the United States and Canada—22, to be exact. He was accompanied on this journey by fellow YouTuber Ted Nivison, who also posted his own video documenting the adventure (but I prefer Eddy's, because he expresses a lot more existential angst during the trip).

They start their 24-day journey at the Margaritaville at Universal Studio's City Walk in Hollywood, and eat their final Margaritaville meal on the Las Vegas strip. Along the way they hit up every Margaritaville restaurant, and also stay at several Margaritaville hotels. They also stop at some tourist attracitions, like a Buc-cee's somewhere on the drive from Texas to Louisiana, and—much to my delight—The Thing, in Arizona.

In the video, you can follow along as Eddy learns to appreciate the magic of a Margaritaville lifestyle, falls in love with Jimmy Buffett, and, after his 18th or 19th Margaritaville meal and god-knows-how-many margaritas, suffers from stomach aches and becomes disillusioned with the Margaritaville way of life. It's a surprisingly engaging journey to witness!

I was surprised by how different each Margaritaville restaurant is. While some design elements remain the same across the restaurants (they all use similar fonts for the signage and menus, they all have televisions playing Jimmy Buffett interviews and music, they all seem to have some version of a giant margarita pitcher or blender as décor, etc.), and while most restaurants offer staples like the "Cheeseburger in Paradise," many of the menu items differ across the restaurants (the Niagara Falls, Canada restaurant, for example, has "Buffalo poutine"), as does the quality of the food and drinks. After watching Eddy and Ted eat and drink their way through so many Margaritavilles, though, I don't feel compelled to change my 'never eaten at a Margaritaville' status. But it was definitely interesting to see them do it.

They did a similar trip last year where, over the course of three weeks, they ate at every Rainforest Café—18 in total—in the United States and Canada, which you can watch here.