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Sacramento authorities baffled by unauthorized fire truck tapping fire hydrants

Photo: Sacramento Fire Department

An unmarked fire truck is tapping fire hydrants in Sacramento, California, and authorities there are asking for help identifying the people operating the truck.

In a tweet, the Sacramento Fire Department said, "It has been brought to our attention that there is an unmarked fire engine driving around the city flowing water at various locations. This is NOT one of our pieces of equipment. If seen, please notify the @SacPolice for further investigation."

Photos in the tweet show two shirtless men covered in tattoos in a full-size firetruck, which doesn't have identifying insignia.

The police department is on the case, too, tweeting: "We are aware of an unmarked fire truck that has been spotted driving in the city. We are working with the Fire Department to determine its legality on the roadway. Please report any suspicious activity regarding this fire truck to the Sacramento Police Department Dispatch."

From CBS News:

The fire truck appears to be an older model not currently in use by local agencies. Private ownership of a former fire truck isn't illegal in California, but often they're registered as historic vehicles. 

Further, a permit is required for a business or other entity to tap water from a fire hydrant in Sacramento. 

Exactly how many times the fire engine has been seen flowing water is unclear, but the photos showed it happened in at least a couple places – including near W Street and Alhambra Boulevard.

How hard can it be to find a fire truck?

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