Boing Boing

Donald Trump spews racism targeted at Obama and calls D.C. "sh*t" in hate-filled speech (video)

You might call it a dog whistle, but Donald Trump's blatant racism rang loud and clear in West Palm Beach yesterday as he talked about terrorism while enunciating former President Barack Obama's full name over and over again.

"Instead of keeping terrorists and terrorist sympathizers out of America, the Biden administration is inviting them in. You know why? Because he's got a boss. Who's his boss? Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Hussein. Barack Hussein Obama … Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Barack. HUSSEIN. Obama," he said, seeming to forget that Obama is no longer in the White House.

The four-times indicted vulgarian then described not Haiti or Africa as "shit," as he's wont to do, but the United States capital. "Unbelievably, the corrupt Biden Department of Justice recently invited an Iranian-backed judge from Iraq to visit our nation's capital … He couldn't have been too impressed with our capital – it looks like shit." (See video below, posted by Acyn.)

And the Republicans are outraged that Sen. John Fetterman wears a hoodie.

Front page thumbnail image: Donald Trump booking portrait, courtesy Fulton County Jail

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