A couple in Virginia has been arrested after seven elementary school students ate gummy bears that were tainted with traces of fentanyl. The children had all shared the gummies from a plastic baggie that one of the students had brought from home. The baggie was later tested and found to be coated with fentanyl residue.
Five of the children, all fourth graders, were hospitalized with symptoms including headaches, nausea, muscle spasms, and vomiting. Fortunately, they stabilized and were later released. From CNN:
At first, it seemed the students were having an allergic reaction to something they ate Tuesday, Amherst County Public Schools said. The sheriff's office conducted a field test of the bag, which had "a positive reaction for fentanyl," the school district said.
Clifford Dugan was arrested and held without bond charged on two counts: one of a convicted felon felon in possession of a firearm and one of contributing to the "delinquency, abuse of a child," jail records show. …
Nicole Sanders was also arrested and held on charges of contributing to the "delinquency, abuse of a child," and possessing Schedule I or Schedule II narcotics, jail records show. She is being held on $1,000 and $1,500 bonds. …
"This is an ongoing investigation and more charges are possible," the sheriff's spokesperson told CNN.