Trump-endorsed fake COVID treatment killed 12000 in the US alone

A recent study out of France has shown that the use of anti-parasite drug hydroxychloroquine to treat hospitalized COVID-19 patients instead of effective treatments caused around 17,000 excess deaths worldwide. The drug is responsible for 12,000, or a full 70% of the total, in the United States alone. MAGA cult leader Donald J. Trump recommended people use hydroxychloroquine. This Trump-endorsed fake COVID treatment killed thousands.

"What do you have to lose? Take it," Trump said during a White House briefing in 2020. "I really think they should take it. But it's their choice. And it's their doctor's choice or the doctors in the hospital. But hydroxychloroquine. Try it, if you'd like."…

…They estimate that 16,990 deaths across these countries were linked to use of the drug. To calculate this, researchers gathered data from more than 1 million deaths across the six nations, including around 900,000 in the U.S. They compared the mortality rate of the average hospitalized COVID patient in each country to the mortality rate of patients prescribed hydroxychloroquine.

Among the nearly 17,000 excess deaths linked to the drug, more than 12,000 occurred in the U.S. alone.

The Messenger

Trump killed his followers, yet they keep cheering for more. You can be pretty sure the 12,000 folks who died, did so with their red MAGA hats on. The jumping with two feet into an anti-vax and anti-mask mindset while millions of lives were at stake will also go to show just how little MAGAts care about, even themselves. What an absolutely crazy sword to die on, and 12,000 did. Anyway you look at it, this Trump-endorsed fake COVID treatment killed thousands.