After ousting Ziegler, Florida Republican Party picks new chair — and his DUI video just surfaced

Florida sure knows how to pick 'em. After the Florida Republican Party ousted chair Christian Ziegler on Jan. 8 over the rape allegations he's facing, they installed Evan Power, who was arrested and charged with a DUI in 2018.

Now, video of his drunken stupor as he resisted a sobriety test has surfaced (see below, posted by Thomas Kennedy).

The footage shows the bumbling gentleman trying to explain how his car smashed into a parked vehicle. "I turned. I couldn't see that car, and I just, like, drove," he slurred to a police officer, who had told his partner that Power "reeks."

And when asked how much alcohol he had had, the 42-year-old Florida man tried to pass himself off as a lightweight. "I had a beer. And a beer," he said, humorously (in retrospect) noting that they were "two Bud Lights."

Power then had a doozy of a time trying to line up his feet, heel to heel. "Can I stop now?" he asked the officer during his sobriety test. "I realize this is not going to end well for me."

And so the officer, who later found a loaded gun in the car, allowed Power to stop, but not before slapping a pair of handcuffs on the future chair of Florida's Republican Party. A match made in MAGA heaven.