When your pet reaches fame on TikTok, companies will take notice, sending you money in exchange for sponsorships. But what happens when a company, like, say, Walgreens, mixes up the human with the four-legged star?
That's what happened to TikToker Kat Newquist, who wasn't quite sure how to process a check that the big box store sent to her cat, Gandalf. So she called her bank to find out — and put the call on speaker phone. (See video below, posted by IndoorOutdoorKat.)
"I was just wondering what your policy is for cashing checks that were written to cats?" she asked the banker — whose first response was laughter.
But the good-humored banker also took the question seriously. "This is a very particular situation I've never experienced," she said. But basically, "there needs to be a signature that is, quote unquote, the cat."
"Would a paw print be sufficient?" Newquist asked, to more laughter.
Fortunately, it's even easier than a paw print, if what this banker said is accurate: simply print the cat's name on the back of the check with your signature underneath. She also advised Newquist to come into the bank — or to the drive-up window — for good measure.
As for the cat? No need for the star to show up at the bank. That's what his handler is for.
Via ParadePets