An excited pup shows off his athletic skills by repeatedly hurling his plush toy — straight toward his human, who is trying to concentrate at her desk.
One shot manages to knock over a framed photo while another shot almost knocks over a water bottle. But then the Corgi, named Dash, gets down to business — warming himself up with some furious cushion battering before going in for the kill.
As in somehow managing to send his toy flying over the entire desk and computer, much to the amazement of the person attempting to get some work done. "How, how?" she says in mock exasperation. (See video below, posted by Dash and Furrious.)
"Work from home they said," jokes the caption on Dash's TikTok page. "It will be fun they said."
Dash isn't the only hilarious pooch in this family. Check out the time his sister warned a stuffed animal to "back off!" which we covered here.