This ornate spiny lobster is ready for its red carpet debut!

Check out this absolutely resplendent crustacean! I've never seen anything like the very aptly named "Panulirus ornatus," also known as an ornate spiny lobster. The beautiful creature is also sometimes called the "rainbow lobster," for obvious reasons. According to this cool video posted by the Odysseo Oceanarium Mauritius, the largest oceanarium of the Mascarene islands, located in Port Louis, Mauritius:

Known for their nocturnal habits as they become more active at night, they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems by scavenging and keeping the sea floor clean.

Science Acumen also posted this gorgeous photo of the stunning creature, explaining that:

Panulirus Ornatus is a large spiny lobster with 11 larval stages. It migrates annually from the Torres Strait to Yule Island in the Gulf of Papua in order to breed.

Finally, Wild World TV also posted this awesome video where you can see all of the lobster's pretty colors. I especially love this one's purple-striped legs! It looks like it's got on its fanciest duds and is heading to its red carpet debut or a Mardi Gras ball! Slay, rainbow lobster!