Boing Boing

Enjoy some art as you land or take off in Paris

Photos: Bob Knetzger

Photos: Bob Knetzger

Visitors to Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport are in for a visual treat—some now and some to be inaugurated in 2025-26.  Look down as you take off or land to see the huge art installation oeil Ouest, inspired by the geoglyphs of Nazca. This "Aerial Art" depicts a giant eye, spreading over 170 meters.

And inside CDG, the Hall M gallery space Espace Musèes is now showing Les Yeux du Ceil featuring more work by Antoine Grumbach. A second giant eye is planned for next year, with domes in the iris to show a map of the sky. Says the artist "At the center of the belvedere will a stand a ginko biloba, a tree symbolizing resilience and longevity, the forts to grow back in Hiroshima a year after its destruction by the atomic bomb."

I also enjoyed seeing the display of his many sketches, notebooks, and preparatory designs.

Can't make it to Paris? Flip around through this latest issue of Paris Vous Aime the magazine of the Paris Aeroport for more on this art and other culture, shopping, and vicarious travel vibes.

Photos: Bob Knetzger

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