Plastic surgeon who posted false reviews and threatened critics must pay $5m

A plastic surgeon in Seattle did not appreciate the reviews posted online by unhappy patients. After issuing threats and posting fake positive reviews of their own, the company is now on the hook for $5m.

The resolution, filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, requires Allure to pay about $1.5 million in restitution to about 21,000 people. People who were forced to sign illegal NDAs will each receive $50, while those who paid a nonrefundable consultation fee before they signed an illegal NDA will receive $120. "Writing a truthful review about a business should not subject you to threats or intimidation," Ferguson said in a statement. "Consumers rely on reviews when determining who to trust, especially services that affect their health and safety. This resolution holds Allure accountable for brazenly violating that trust — and the law — and ensures the clinic stops its harmful conduct."

Here's the Federal consent decree that Allure Esthetic and owner Dr. Javad Sajan agreed to.

Allure threatened to sue and did sue some patients if they did not take down negative reviews, according to the complaint. In some instances it offered patients cash and free services or products in exchange for taking down negative reviews. The practice also had more than 10,000 patients sign nondisclosure agreements before receiving treatment that restricted them from posting negative reviews online, the lawsuit said. Sajan "personally authorized" the amount of money or value of services offered to patients who posted negative comments, the lawsuit said. He also allegedly directed employees to create fake email accounts to pose as patients and post positive reviews.