Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a MAGA hero for his habit of accepting undisclosed gifts that smell like bribes. Everyone knows about the tuition for his grandnephew, the "loan" of $267,000 from a pal, VIP sports passes, and multiple vacations at lavish resorts. A watchdog group found that the members of the Supreme Court have received $5 million in gifts since 2004, with Thomas taking the top spot on the leaderboard with $4,042,286, in the form of 193 bribes gifts. (That's not counting another 126 "likely but not confirmed gifts.") Thomas describes the "gifts" as "personal hospitality" given to him and his seditious wife Ginni by their "dearest friends." With friends like that, who needs ethics?
Now we've learned that Thomas has taken even more luxury trips without telling anyone. The Daily Beast reports that Thomas failed to declare a yacht trip to Russia and a private helicopter flight to a palace in Putin's hometown. Two Democratic senators, Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden, sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick "Molasses" Garland urging him to appoint a special counsel to investigate Thomas. They are concerned Thomas may have violated the Ethics in Government Act, which requires Supreme Court justices to file annual reports disclosing gifts and income from outside sources.
That's going overboard, if you ask me. Do they really expect Thomas to understand all those complicated laws the federal government makes?
Previously: Oh, Clarence!