La Specola is the world's largest and most popular wax anatomical collection. It's located in the Museum of Natural History in Florence and is also celebrated for being the oldest public museum in Europe.
There are all sorts of wax anatomical models in the museum that depict the human skeleton, organs, muscles and more.
From Atlas Obscura: "Of special interest are the wax anatomical Venuses, wax models of naked women posed in old-fashioned semi-erotic poses, but with their rib cages and stomachs pulled open to the world. These gutted female forms were a favorite of the Marquis de Sade."
The collection also includes a selection of old taxidermy specimens, some of extinct creatures. If you're looking for something fun (and free!) to do in Florence, this museum is a must-see.
See Also: Refinishing my waxed-cotton raincoats