Fifteen years ago, a prison in Santa Catarina, Brazil, replaced its guard dogs with geese. It's unclear why this prison chose to be the only one in the country using geese, but it appears to be working. The geese patrol the grassy area just inside the prison wall.
A zoologist explains that these are not just any geese. These are "sentinel" geese, which "were domesticated and have been used for this purpose for a long time. They are animals that vocally signal any disturbance in the environment." So, they honk. Like geese.
Unlike dogs, which require training and a lot of care, geese do the job just by being geese. I have questions about sanitation. If sentinel geese are like every other goose species, the grass will quickly get disgusting. I do, however, want to see a prison break movie where prisoners befriend the geese, and all escape together. I'm thinking either Aardman or A24.
Previously: Loyal goose does her best to "protect" her Great Pyrenees doggo