Trump supporters caught napping during rally; perhaps dreaming of a coherent speech

Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump's 93-minute rambling "acceptance speech" put the audience to sleep, literally.

Shockingly nomination convention MAGAs were not excited to see their glorious leader, oft compared to the Jesus himself, real estate fraud and adjudicated sexual abuser's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. At least the cameras stayed on Trump and didn't cut away to a pet interview. However, he said nothing new or interesting. There are not a lot of great sound bites or funny moments to recount, as the speech was mostly a 93-minute display of his decline. MAGAs were falling asleep listening to him drone on.

I know this will shock you, but the felon's rambling, crazy-time 90-minute speech at the Republican National Convention, where he accepted the GOP nomination to be King, put quite a few of his supporters to sleep. Trump's RNC speech was just a rehash of every rally he has subjected us to. He spoke of the "China virus" just after calling for unity the previous day, then gave the leader of the Taliban a shoutout for complimenting him by calling him "Your Excellency."

Trump hasn't changed. A narcissist is incapable of that, but the media previously fawned over the twice-impeached President's toned-down rhetoric that wasn't toned down. It was so repetitious that some of his supporters were seen dozing off.

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