Interactive map of U.S. road fatalities in the 21st century

Roadway Report is an interactive, zoomable map of U.S. road fatalities in the last few decades, with public record data for each incident. You can layer it with motor vehicles, pedestrians and bikes and narrow the frame to certain time periods. The map comes with a warning that the data is geographically incomplete—"four unmapped deaths for every death on the map," writes developer Ben Carneiro.

The data here is processed from NHTSA's FARS database. When someone dies in an accident, it gets input into a STATE reporting system, and FARS is manufactured by analyzing each state's individual record system. The feds consolidate all this data and publish a unified dataset annually. They say it's "a lot cheaper and just as good as collecting it themselves"

Additional errors are potentially produced from my own processing of the federal data, but those will be rooted out over time. Project being OS will hopefully help with that.

This must be among the single most informative things I've ever seen when it comes to knowing where the danger spots are. The code is on GitHub. There's a tip jar.