Los Angeles-based Unicole Unicron, who since 2012 has been running an online "unicorn cult" called "Unicult" has recently pivoted to becoming a money and life coach.
Unicole, who also goes by "Angelic Technology" on TikTok, has quite an origin story as an "Arcturian consciousness born into a human body" to parents who "met while working at a nuclear bomb facility." In 2022, Unicole, a self-described "pop star cult leader from another planet" who has a mission to "change the entire world into Unitopia," began running a Substack called "Get Rich Quick: Step into the Dolphin Abundance Timeline" where you can read gems like "You Already Manifested Heaven," with advice like this, which of course leads straight to the "Get Rich Quick" course (currently $777.77, on sale from $2222.22) on offer:
It's easy to keep chasing 3D hoping it will change the distress in your psyche. If only I had a silk pajamas, I would wake up happy, I swear! So you manifest some silk pajamas – but you're still not waking up happy. What's going on!? Maybe some other material thing will fix it…. nope. It will go on like this forever like a cycle of addiction.
The 3D will never heal the distress you have in your psyche. That is a problem for 5D to solve. Learn how to regulate your nervous system in the present moment so you can FEEL the heaven that you've already manifested. It's all around you. Just open your eyes.
I outline a very specific practice that will help you do just this in my class Get Rich Quick available here.
That $777.77 "Get Rick Quick: Jumping into the Miracle Timeline" workshop advertises that it can help you "Manifest your dream life and create generational wealth." If that's not your jam, over at the Angelic Technology store you can find other classes, like one that will teach you to "Become a Crystal Healer" (for $111.11, on sale from $777). You can also buy 15 minutes of "Dream Life Coaching" to "activate your dream life" for only $111.11.
Unicole's money and life coaching services don't all cost money, though—some of that sweet, sweet divine wisdom is available for free, courtesy of Unicole's AI-generated "manifestation songs" ("you can program your subconscious with songs like this to be more comfortable with a new reality") with lyrics like:
When I think of a thought
It appears
When I want something I make it clear
I open my eyes and it's right here
Going on vacation
I got enough money
To really do something.
There's plenty more over on Instagram—like "I am Magnetic" and "I'm so Lucky," if you can stomach it.
To learn more about Unicole Unicron, here's a short documentary that VICE created a few years ago. "Enjoy" the music!
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