Doggo thinks he sees real sizzling bacon on large-screen TV — until he tries to eat it (video)

A black Labrador thought he hit the jackpot when he spotted the largest strips of bacon he'd ever seen in his doggo life. In fact, the three mouthwatering, sizzling pink slabs took up the whole length of the wall-mounted TV screen. What a find.

He then took his time licking up the fatty juices of his prize, only to realize there was no taste to be had. Nor were there any juices. In a last ditch effort, the disappointed pup finally resorted to sniffing the deceptive meatstuffs, before looking sheepishly over at the camera.

Better luck next time, bub. (See video below, posted by Labidakar.)

Via ParadePets
Previously: American bully dog usually loves TV — but one silly movie scares the bejeezus out of him (video)