These dancing cockatoos are having the time of their lives!

I've never seen birds happier to dance than Mambo and Samba, two Goffin's cockatoos who live in New York City with Franklin Liranzo, who describes himself as a "Professional Latin Dancer and Photographer." 

First meet Mambo. Here he is dancing to his favorite Bad Bunny song, "Tití Me Preguntó." I love this video because at the beginning, Liranzo shows us Mambo just hanging out before the music begins. Once Liranzo starts playing Bad Bunny, Mambo perks up and starts dancing—you can tell he actually loves the song and moving to the music! Amazing! 

And here's Samba, dancing to her favorite song, "Friend Like Me" from Disney's Aladdin. Liranzo explains: 

This is Samba's fave song!! And so she always puts on a show with choreography and everything! Lol Goffin cockatoos are known for being one of the few birds that naturally react to music. Apparently the close to speaking each animal is, the more likely they are to enjoy music: Is that true???

And here's another video of Samba dancing to her favorite song. I can't get over how utterly blissful she looks! 

And if you want to see their human dad dancing, here's Liranzo showing off some of his impressive moves. I just love this family of dancers!

Who's a better dancer, this human or this parrot? You decide!
Funny parrot can't stop dancing to her favorite song, 'Bacon Pancakes'
I dare you to not giggle while watching this video of Snowee the cockatoo laughing with her human
Iggy Pop's cockatoo, Biggy Pop, loves dancing and bobbing his head to Snoop Dogg