World's worst proposal: staged kidnapping and violence leaves girlfriend hysterically sobbing (video)

A man wanted to propose to his girlfriend in a memorable way, and after watching the video, I'll say he succeeded. Unfortunately, his method was abusive, traumatizing, and a major red flag.

The video, which has Russian music playing, was shot on a road in a remote location. The man and his girlfriend are in a car, with a van in front of them. Neither vehicle is moving. A group of men wearing masks and armed with crowbars burst out of the van's back door and rush to the car. They smash the car windows, grab the boyfriend, drag him into the van, and slam the door shut. A few seconds later, the door reopens, and the boyfriend emerges from the van holding a bouquet of flowers. He walks over to the car, opens the passenger door, gets down on one knee, and proposes to his hysterically sobbing girlfriend, who can't process the horror she just experienced. The fake thugs, who appear to be friends with the man, watch awkwardly from a distance, clapping halfheartedly as they realize their complicity in terrifying the woman.

Still sobbing, appears to accept his proposal, but who knows if she felt pressured to say yes out of fear or shock?

Redditors are in agreement that this was a bad way to propose. A sampling:

  • "This guy should not be allowed to procreate"
  • "Girl, no. He just showed you a trailer for the trauma show ahead."
  • "When the proposal is this traumatic, just imagine how things will get when he decides the honeymoon is over."
  • "If this isn't staged, then this f**ker should get dropkicked into a volcano. What a dick move. Threats of violence are never a laughing matter."
  • "What the hell did I just see? I would have understood if she'd sued him for distress. Damn."

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