Fish falls from sky, smashes Tesla windshield (video)

In a surreal twist that sounds straight out of a tall tale, a New Jersey couple experienced a bizarre event when a fish came plummeting from the sky, and onto their Tesla windshield. The couple heard their car alarm going off, and when they went outside they found a mess of fish scales and blood.

The flabbergasted couple was finally able to find out what had happened to their car to cause this mess when they reviewed their dashcam footage which shows the freak incident in motion. You can watch the video here.

How do animals and objects fall from the sky? A couple of reasons. Waterspouts and strong updrafts can sometimes lift creatures out of their natural habitats. However, in this case, the likely explanation is a bird grabbed it out of the water and accidentally dropped it.

See also: Silly goats caught dancing on top of car when they think nobody is watching (video)