Man turns childhood dream into reality with street-legal bumper car

When Dan Hryhorcoff decided he needed a project to keep him busy during the COVID lockdown, he set out to build a street-legal bumper car. (Video here and below.)

Hryhorcoff's creation merges the playful essence of a 1953 Lusse bumper car with the practicalities of a modern vehicle. He used the front end of a Chevy Aveo and meticulously integrated it into the bumper car design, ensuring that it meets all the requirements for street legality. The vehicle is classified as a custom-built motorcycle for registration purposes.

He explains that this "bumper car" can't actually bump into things. It's not built to handle that kind of impact. Despite this limitation, it looks like so much fun to drive around and wave to other drivers in this playful convertible.

See also: Watch Colin Furze mod a bumper car with a huge engine