Secret Service team breaks into salon, uses it as a personal porta-potty, leaves without relocking door (video)

What does the Secret Service do when it is not visiting local prostitutes, biting people's ears off in bar brawls, or failing to keep a Presidential candidate from getting shot? They are picking locks on private businesses so they can crap in the toilet, of course.

From Fox News:

The U.S. Secret Service was forced to apologize to a Massachusetts salon owner after using her building's bathroom without permission ahead of a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris last week.

The salon owner, Alicia Powers, says Secret Service agents put duct tape over her security cameras and broke into her building by picking the lock. They then allowed various people to use the salon's bathroom over a two-hour period.

Powers told Business Insider that she was aware she had to close her salon but was not informed about the Secret Service's other plans.

"And then when they were done using the bathroom for two hours, they left, and left my building completely unlocked, and did not take the tape off the camera," said Powers.

The Secret Service pretended to care by issuing a weak apology:

"The U.S. Secret Service works closely with our partners in the business community to carry out our protective and investigative missions. The Secret Service has since communicated with the affected business owner," USSS spokeswoman Melissa McKenzie told Fox News Digital. "We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner's permission."

But that's just what you did, didn't you?

Previously: Latest in an endless stream of disgusting Secret Service behavior: agent sent home after allegedly assaulting woman in Jerusalem