Steve Silberman, author of Neurotribes, provided the best description of JD Vance I've heard yet:
@jdvance isn't merely "weird," he's the most cringey, excruciatingly awkward, agonizingly uncomfortable in his own skin, blithely dishonest, truly uncanny creepshow I've seen in politics, as if his soul has been bottle-brushed out his ass. Listen to him try to change the subject from Trump dining with a Nazi to Trump "hugging" his wife.
Check out Vance's interview with ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl and see for yourself:
Jonathan Karl
That dinner that Trump had, and of course it was Kanye West, the guy that's praised Hitler, who arranged it all, that was back a year and a half ago, and Trump still hasn't given a full -throated denouncement of this guy who said that terrible stuff, but he said, I mean, he's a white supremacist.JD Vance
Look, President Trump has issued plenty of condemnations on this.Jonathan Karl
Not on FuentesJD Vance
The one thing that I like about Donald Trump, John, is that he actually will talk to anybody, but just because you talk to somebody doesn't mean you endorse their views.JD Vance
And look, I mean Donald Trump spent a lot of quality time with my wife. Every time he sees her, he gives her a hug, tells her she's beautiful, and jokes around with her a little bit. I'm not at all worried about Donald Trump.
Vance's line of reasoning seems to be:
- Trump treats Vance's Indian American wife well.
- Therefore, Trump cannot be racist.
If this doesn't make sense to you, that's probably because you didn't go to Yale Law School.
• JD Vance is widely disliked, and Trump's campaign is in disarray
• JD Vance tries to blame 'Magic: The Gathering' as the reason girls thought he was a creepy teen
• 2 photos of what appear to be JD Vance in drag surface online
• Hillbilly Eulogy: JD Vance's approval rating nosedives
• JD Vance's ugly, disrespectful debate challenge