After the Trump Musk circle jerk last night, Musk Xitted, "Almost all of legacy media will trash the Trump conversation, thus driving total listeners probably past 200+ million," adding a little tears-of-laughter emoji to make it clear that Musk thought the legacy media had been owned by his masterful gambit of slamming both his and Trump's dick in a car door.
But it wasn't just the "legacy media" that was trashing the "conversation," it was anyone who hadn't fallen for the 78-year-old grifter's con job. Take Austin Nasso, for instance, an impressionist who summed up the interminable two-hour snorefest in 59-seconds.
So, Donald, you're actually a really nice guy, tell me about that.Musk-Austin
You know I'm glad you brought that up because I'm very nice and a lot of people they don't know that I'm nice, like sugar and spice. But I'm very nice. I'm also sweet and also I also love dogs and catsMusk-Austin
And you're also very smart too, is that right?Musk-Austin
That's correct. I see you've done your research because I'm very smart. I'm smarter than almost everybody ever, by the way. I'm the smartest man in living history or living memory. And when you look at Joe Biden, we don't even know if he has an IQ or even a brain. If you opened it up, it would be like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.Musk-Austin
So, um, I've been thinking, where do you think snipers should go? Cause I think the roof is like an obvious great place for snipers.Musk-Austin
Maybe in a box with a fox.Musk-Austin
Or in a truck with a duck.Musk-Austin
Or in a moat with a goat. You're incredible by the way hmm so cool.
Previously: Oops! Elon Musk and Donald Trump interview is hit with "massive DDOS attack"