JD Vance shares his take on "the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female." It is not to live her best life.
Another day, more proof that JD Vance thinks "females" are baby factories, and once the factory is closed, the "females" should take care of the babies. There is also a weird dialogue where Vance feels a liberal grandmother would have just sent him cash and not wanted to spend time with her grandchildren. I suspect that Vance's mother-in-law needed to ensure the kids got more than yelled at for discussing Pikachu as their parenting experience.
"It's in some ways, the most transgressive thing I've ever done against sort of the hyper-neo-liberal approach to work and family," Vance said. "My wife had this baby seven weeks before she started the clerkship, [she's] still not sleeping any more than an hour and a half in a given interval. And her mom just took a sabbatical. She's a biology professor in California, just took a sabbatical for a year and came and lived with us and took care of our kid for a year."
He added that it was "painfully economically inefficient."
"Why didn't she just keep her job, give us part of the wages to pay somebody else to do it?" he asked. "That is the thing that the hyper-liberalized economics wants you to do. The economic logic of always prioritizing paid wage labor over other forms of contributing to a society is to me … a consequence of a sort of fundamental liberalism that is ultimately gonna unwind and collapse upon itself."
"It's the abandonment of a sort of Aristotelian virtue politics for a hyper-market-oriented way of thinking about what's good and what's desirable," he added. "If people are paying for it and it contributes to GDP and it makes the economic consumption numbers rise, then it's good, and if it doesn't, it's bad … that's sort of the root of our political problem."

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