Donald Trump's winning election strategy is straight out of the stable genius playbook: At his rallies, he holds up a regular sized Tic Tac box in one hand, and a Tic Tac Mini box in the other. He claims the normal Tic Tac box represents Trump era products, and the mini box is the result of Biden-caused shrinkflation.
That's all Trump needs to do to prove that the U.S. economy is in freefall — tell a lie about Tic Tacs. It's an easy sell for his voters. They were already in his pocket when he posted a video of Rep Luna's butt.
Trump also claims that Tic Tac is "so lucky" he is using the candy as a prop to impress his gape-jawed worshippers. "This is the greatest commercial they ever had."
But sadly, it seems like Trump's memory isn't what it once was. In 2016, after the Access Hollywood video came out in which Trump bragged about grabbing pussies, Tic Tac responded, "Tic Tac respects all women. We find the recent statements and behavior completely inappropriate and unacceptable."
Meanwhile, Trump is shedding voters like a snake.