ILL-ABILITIES showcases amazing differently-abled breakdancers

Check out the amazingly talented dancers of ILL-ABILITIES. On their website, ILL-ABILITIES states that they are:

an International Breakdance Crew comprised of eight members from around the world:  Luca "Lazylegz" Patuelli (Canada); Jacob "Kujo" Lyons (USA); Sergio "Checho" Carvajal (Chile); Redouan "Redo" Ait Chitt (The Netherlands); Jung Soo "Krops" Lee (South Korea); Samuel Henrique "Samuka" da Silveira Lima (Brazil) ; Lucas "Perninha" Machado (Brazil); "Junior" Bosila Banya (France).

This crew originated from an idea by Montreal-based dancer/motivational speaker Luca "Lazylegz" Patuelli to create an all-star team of some of the world's best differently-abled dancers. ILL-ABILITIES™ was officially formed in 2007, with four founding members Lazylegz, Tommy Guns, Kujo, and Checho whose goal was to compete and perform internationally showing the world that anything is possible.

The crew gets its name from the standard in hip-hop culture of using a negative term to refer to something positive. Examples of this can be heard in studios or at competitions where dancers compliment each other by saying they were bad, nasty or mean. The "ill" in ILL-ABILITIES™ does not refer to "sick" or "unwell" but rather to incredible, amazing, intricate, talent.

Rather than seeing the negative limitations of "disability", this crew focuses on their positive, or "ill", abilities.

Once they started performing together, the dancers of ILL-ABILITIES™ quickly realized their potential to inspire audience members with their positive attitudes and unique dance moves so they expanded their goal. Today, ILL-ABILITIES™ spreads positive thinking by sharing their stories with motivational entertainment programs and theatrical dance performances worldwide.

ILL-ABILITIES performed on August 10 in Paris during the Breaking competition and earned a standing ovation. You can see part of that performance here. An Instagram user summed up my feelings when stating, "THIS is the introduction to the Olympic stage that breaking deserved!"

Crew member B-boy Luca "Lazylegz" Patuelli expressed his gratitude for performing at the Olympics in an Instagram post

Words can't describe the emotions felt this weekend! To see how far Breakin has come and to be a part of the history with my crew ILL-ABILITIES is a dream come true. The beauty of hip-hop and dance is that there are truly No Limits and together as a community we proved that!  Breakin has changed my life, taught me to believe in myself, & to use my difference as my strength. I am forever grateful! I would like to congratulate all the "Artletes" (artists/athletes) that performed this weekend. Your courage, energy, & soul has left a mark in all of us!

The Social Eyes explains that Luca:

. . . has been a world famous partisan of the hip-hop art since he was very young, spreading the word across the globe. His motto "no limits, no excuses" has become an inspiration to millions. Born with a handicap that has rendered his legs incomplete, Luca dances on crutches, wheeling and soaring and swinging to a hip-hop beat.

You'll also be able to see ILL-ABILITIES when they perform at the opening of the 2024 Paralympic Games later this month. In the meantime, enjoy this longer video of them performing a showcase at the World Breaking Championships in 2023.

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