Musk boosts 4chan claim that women are incapable of critical thinking

On Sunday, Elon Musk recently reposted a 4chan argument claiming that only "high T alpha males" and "aneurotypical people" are capable of critical thinking:

People who can't defend themselves physically (women and low T men) parse information through a consensus filter as a safety mechanism. They literally do not ask "is this true", they ask "will others be OK with me thinking this is true". This makes them very malleable to brute force manufactured consensus; if every screen they look at says the same thing they will adopt that position because their brain interprets it as everyone in the tribe believing it. Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical people (hey autists!) are actually free to parse new information with an objective "is this true?" filter. This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.

Instead of asking, "is this true?" Musk parsed the information through a consensus filter of alt-right manobabysphere groupthink, saying instead, "Interesting observation."

On Threads, one commenter remarked, "I love how he's so stupid that he believes saying 'interesting observation' gives him some sort of plausible deniability." Another pointed out the hypocrisy in the original argument, sarcastically noting, "Amazing how all of these 'free-thinking alpha males' reach the same conclusions on everything."

My favorite comment: "This is either Argumentum Ad Anus Extractum or Argumentum Ad Feces Fabricatum. (Those are the logical fallacy of pulling things out of one's ass and the logical fallacy of just making shit up.)"
